Thursday, December 03, 2009

So I've learned something about myself....

When people meet me they see that I am fun and outgoing and a little crazy!  I become the person they want to hang out with because I am *always* peppy and fun!  Not that I was nominated the class clown or anything, but I could always make people laugh.  I don't think I am funny, but it just sort of happens.

Then people start to get close to me and realize that I am just a regular person.  When the "newness" wears off and friends start to realize that I do have a serious side (although it really doesn't come out often) the excitement fades and then I hear from them less and less until it's just a casual hello when I see them in Walmart....or an occasional hello on Facebook.  OR...they call me up when they are blue because they know I can cheer them up. 

I hate being THAT friend. 

So I might have an off day because work stressed me out - deadlines, deadlines, deadlines!  Or the kids got on my last nerve and I needed to vent.  Apparently, I cannot have these days as these days tend to push friends away.

It's just frustrating.  I have often wondered over the years why it seems that if I don't call them, they don't call me.  Someone once said "it's because you have so many friends, I don't want to be a bother."  Wow.  This is so not true.  I wonder if that person said that in the same manner as with a break up - "it's not you, it's me" type of a thing - but when you read between the lines you realize that it IS you.

Maybe I am overbearing and try too hard.  Maybe I am that person that suffocates a friendship.  Maybe I take things too personally. 

I've learned there is a season for everything.  I am starting a new season in my life.  I have always been a people pleaser...and I need to just let this go.  I can't make everyone happy.  As a Christian, I shouldn't let these things bother me, but I am human.  I know the flesh is constantly at war with the Spirit and while I would expect the Spirit to win each and every time, sometimes the flesh takes over - I am not perfect.  I have flaws.  I have a *gasp* serious side! 

I am reminded now of Hebrews 12:2 - Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

I am reminded that I need to keep my focus on Jesus...not on the things of this world.  This world will let me down, but God never will.  Isn't that a wonderful thing??  Knowing that while you can't fully depend on other people, you can always depend on God?

I don't know why this even came about this evening, but it made me realize that even though I might not be seen as important to my friends I am going to love them and pray for them anyway.  I just may take a step back for a while.  I am so blessed with my husband and two wonderful children, a wonderful family and a loving church family...I won't let this get me down.  Keeping my eyes focused on Jesus...

Sunday, November 08, 2009

wiped out

Wow...the weekend is over and I feel like I did next to nothing!

We had a young couple from our church over for a late dinner on Friday night.  It was a lot of fun!  It was kind of nice to hang out with people who didn't have kids...I know that sounds bad, but when you get too many kids around it just gets too loud.  Our kids went to bed shortly after our friends came over so it ended up being a really quiet evening and we just had a good time.

The kids had been sick earlier in the week and I started to feel it Thursday.  Just the drippy nose/earache.  Took some tylenol and it helped for the most part.  I was super congested when I woke up on Saturday so I took just over 1/2 tsp of children's bendaryl and it knocked me out for 3 hours!  Then I had to get up and get ready for the Veteran's Day parade, which we totally didn't get to on time and we ran to Beall's and Walmart to pick up some black pants for Katie and cookies for our cheer party. 

The team we cheer for won the last 2 games of the season so it was a great way to end it!  We had a nice party last night with all of the girls and parents.  Since I was assistant coach I got a cute picture with a matte signed by all the girls in a big frame.  It was so cute!  :) 

Since I had slept most of the day away, I ended up staying up late to fold laundry and swap out a few loads and got up early for church today.  I was excited to wear my new sweater!  We usually have to wear black, but today was brown and some fall color.  I got this super cute cranberry sweater to with my brown pants and I had straightened my hair this morning and wore it down for BOTH services!  Usually my hair is up in a pony tail before 1st service starts.  ha! 

After church, I fed the family and then took another 3 hour nap!  I am just wiped out!  The kids napped too so Brian was able to get some down time.  I've got to finish up a bit more laundry then I am off to bed again.  I am excited that our weeknight schedule is going to slow down for a while!  Maybe I will have time to do some of the things around the house I had wanted to painting the kitchen, hanging up pictures, curtains, etc....

Have a blessed joy-filled week!

Thursday, November 05, 2009

WEIRD night!  I had run to Walmart to pick up a few things tonight before dinner.  I came home, we ate dinner and then all 4 of us were of to our various activities.  Kasey was going with Brian and Katie with me.  So we were walking out to the vehicles and there was this NOTE on my first I thought "oh, honey....when did you sneak out here and put a note on my van?  that is so cute!!"  but then I read the note.  It goes like this:

you are so beautiful!
Could I please get to know you?
My email is xxxxxxxx
Could we at least talk?

Eww eww ewww!!!  FREAKY!  CREEPED OUT!  Ewwwwwwww!

Ok, so many thoughts rolling through my head.  First thought was eww.  SO NOT FLATTERED!   Totally creeped out.

So....I have NO idea who this man is...where he saw me...but it totally scares me that he was on my property and put this note on my van while all of us were in the house!  I was home for less than an hour between getting home from Walmart and leaving.  YIKES!!!!

We went to our football game to cheer and the cheer coach's husband is a sheriff.   She suggested to me that I have her husband send him a nice little email from the Sheriff's office.  Nice!  He agreed!  YAY!  So Brian said he'd email him and the sheriff will too. 

That calms me...a bit.  But!!!  I work from home - this man knows where I live!!!!!!  I am home ALL DAY with Kasey.  I just pray that he doesn't come over here tomorrow...there is usually a cop that hangs out right across the street from our house and I hope that he or she is there tomorrow!!! 

So one of my super cute friends (okay, cute isn't even close...she is gorgeous!) says to me "Don't you hate it when that happens?"  hahhaa....I was like, honey, this doesn't happen to short little chubby mama's!  At least not in my world but at least we got a laugh out of it.

I am just praying tonight over this situation.  Praying for peace for myself and just praying for whoever put that note on my van.  Praying that God will protect me and steer that man away from my property!  Praying that I can sleep tonight and concentrate on work tomorrow.  Praying for some friends to come over throughout the day to keep me company....  :) 

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

So blessed

I am just so incredibly blessed!  Thank you LORD for this day and for all that you have given me. 

The kids were home sick yesterday - we ended up taking the kids to the doctor because Katie was complaining of an earache...and she had a cough and runny nose, bright red lips (an excuse to buy yummy chapstick!) and a low grade fever.  The doc said she has an ear infection so we left with some antibiotics (he tried to give us augmentin, but I refused....the kids both hate it and I didn't want to have to fight with them to take their meds) and her fever was gone so she went to school today.  HOORAY!  It was early release day so she was home by 12:45 and asleep by 1:05.  She didn't get up until almost 4 - you know she isn't feeling good!  We had dinner, she showered and now she is in bed.  Aahhh....

Kasey woke up fine yesterday, but by the time we left to go to Katie's appt he had a high fever and was about as lethargic as I have ever seen him.  And he kept complaining of a headache.  The doc gave him some antibiotics (he suspected strep) and sent us on our way.  Kasey only ate a banana and a few apple slices yesterday.  Usually that's what he eats between his morning snacks!  yes, snackS is plural...the boy eats a lot in the morning!  This morning when I woke up he was in our bed (so was Katie...we love to snuggle in the wee hours) and I asked how he was feeling.  He said he was ok, but he just wanted some water.  So he had some water.  Then started whining at me....poor little thing.  I asked if he heart anywhere else other than his head and he said no and then threw up all over Brian's side of the bed.  But it was just the water he had and what looked like I kept a close eye on him ALL DAY!  He went straight into the tub and the sheets and pillow went straight into the washer.  By the time he was out of the tub, he was acting completely normal.  It was weird.  He had some breakfast and snacks...and lunch and snacks and had 3 pieces of pizza at dinner and some dessert.  Oh and he took almost a 3 hour nap too! 

I just love how resilient kids are!  I mean...he was NOT himself at all yesterday and as soon as he purged whatever germ was in his system out, he was totally fine. 

I decided against taking the kids to church tonight...they definitely need their rest and if they are still carrying any germs around on them, there is no sense in passing it on to anyone else.  They were so bummed!  So we decided to sing some church songs.  They are so cute.  They were so mad they were screaming and crying at me when I said they had to stay home with me.  I love that they love church!!! 

I must go do my devotional for the day and finish up a book I am reading.  I am trying to get back into this everyday, but I know how hectic life gets.  I will try to post once in a while anyway. 

Take care and God bless!

Tuesday, November 03, 2009


I have been hearing the word confidence a lot lately. A lot of people that I spend time with and that I work with tell me that I appear to be so full of confidence. If you know me well, you know that I am my own worst critic and that I say I am "ok" at best and definitely not full of confidence. I am always striving to be better at whatever it is I am doing.

About a month ago I stood up and spoke in front of several ladies at church to just give a quick testimony of my experience at our recent Women's conference. Honestly, there were only 6 or 7 ladies there and I was so nervous! I got up there and the first thing I said was that I hate the spotlight, hate speaking in front of people....if I turn red just ignore it...etc... They laughed and all told me I seemed like a natural up there. Ha!

Part of the testimony I gave from that conference was that as I was in the sanctuary worshiping, I just felt this WHOOOOSH come over me and I felt as if I had total confidence in my musical abilities. It was overwhelming! It was like I just let go of all the negative comments in my head and my constant self put downs - it was amazing! I finally felt like I could take the step towards the life that God has called me to - bringing people to the Lord through music. I know I will have to take baby steps to get there, but I am so excited and so blessed and can't wait to serve in this manner! I also had a vision during the conference, but I won't share that here just yet. :-)

Also, during the conference I was given the opportunity to play my sax again. Oh, how I have missed playing!! The amazing thing was that I only had about 9 days from when I received the sax (had to get a rental - I played soprano sax and I only have an alto here) until I was to play at the conference. Yikes! I hadn't played the soprano sax since high school in the mid-90's. But I tell you what...I opened that case, got my reed wet and started to play as if I had never stopped. It was amazing. God has blessed me so much!!

Today, I just thank God for everything He has given me. There is much to be thankful for...and when I think about God sending His son Jesus to die on the cross for MY sins...I can't help but to become emotional. It is written in Isaiah 53:5:
"But He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed. "

By His stripes we are healed!!
Have a blessed day!

Monday, July 20, 2009


Oops...I have not updated this in a LONG time. There has been much going on in life, but I haven't kept up on here. Stay tuned....updates will be coming again. It seems like I go through waves on my blog.

Have a blessed week!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

There are literally no words to describe the feelings and emotions that came about this afternoon. Brian and I are in absolute awe of the greatness of God....

We've been attending this church for a few months now and God has really been putting a lot of things on our hearts and it has been amazing! Wonderful! Awesome!

Brian quickly learned that our pastor was a hunter so he had started talking to him about hunting and found out he bow-hunted and well...they became instant buddies. Brian's been wanting a new bow for a while now and we were at the point of choosing which one to buy. The pastor invited him a week ago or so to come up with him to this store in Jay to check out some bows with another gentleman from the church.

So on Sunday - BIG NEWS - Brian got saved! HOORAY!!! What an awesome! I am really cutting some good stuff, but it's late and I do need to get to bed so you'll have to suffer through the short version :)

We've really been spending a lot of time in prayer and have been meeting some really great people and have become involved in the church and serving the LORD! It's been so great! I just feel like I can't get enough and want to do whatever I can to serve. It's really been laid on my heart to get back into music...and so I joined the choir, but I feel like this is just the beginning...oh wait, this isn't about me today, this is about Brian...back to the good stuff :)

So we realized we could spend about *this much* on the bow. I fully expected him to come home with a new bow and was excited for him to get home and show me what he got!

He came home with a new bow.

A reallllly nice bow.

And so he says to me something along the lines of the following....I tried a few out and picked one. It's about the same price as the one I had picked out at this other store but it is soooo much nicer. I had them set it aside for me and went outside to try to call you (I had left my cell phone at home when I went to pick Katie up from school) to talk to you about buying the bow, if it was ok to buy it, etc....and when I went back inside to go pay for it I asked the lady at the register how much I owed her and she said "nothing! it's already been paid for".

Can you believe that?!!!

I was like "wait, what?!" paid for? who paid for it? huh? what? **ok, so just imagine mass confusion"

He said "God laid it on this man's heart to purchase this bow for me."


I mean I don't even know how to describe the feelings/emotions that came over both of us. Absolutely amazing. God is good!

I had to head over to choir rehearsal quickly after Brian had gotten home and I just really enjoy being a part of it all! It's so great to get back in there and sing sing sing!! I have been an alto for about as long as I can remember. I remember that Mr. Gemar tried to put me in with the sopranos my first year in high school but umm...I just felt better as an alto. The music pastor wanted to place me so I had to sing for him tonight...I just had this feeling that he was going to put me as a soprano. I knew it. And sure enough - hahaha - he told me that he wants me to be a soprano. I can't wait though! I am so excited!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

We finally made it in to the doc today for Kasey's 3 year old checkup. It didn't go as I had hoped, but not too bad...he didn't have to get any shots! :-)

But...he's got allergies, a double ear infection and probably needs his tonsils out.

Poor little guy! And he's only gained 2 pounds in the last year. But if you remember last year the doctor told us he was a bit hefty...hahaha. He's still in the 50th percentile for weight and has jumped up to the 75th - 80th for height. The doc wasn't concerned and neither am I. He is a good little eater and runs around all day.

So now he has to be put on a daily allergy medicine and this antibiotic and we go back in a month to check out those ears and tonsils.

I will pray that the Lord heals him and that he won't need to go in for surgery...I remember going through that surgery myself when I was little. Not so fun. Not at all.

Well it's Friday night and it's late and I need to head to bed! Rain in the forecast tomorrow so we probably won't be able to get our border all setup with the new flowers and rocks! That's ok...maybe a project for next weekend.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

***This was posted yesterday on my pastor's wife's facebook page. She wrote this and I just wanted to pass it along.***

Hmmmm...a spotless bride. What does that mean? Has anyone watched any good BRIDE shows lately? On occasion, Sarah and I will catch one together and dream of her special day. Unfortunately, as we watch these shows I have to edit out the profanity...and the fact that the bride is anything but innocent...and the wedding dress leaves nothing to the imagination... and in some cases the couple has already been living together. We try to look past all of the stains and wounds that this unGodly world has left on God's beautiful picture of what a bride was planned to be...before we turn the channel.

Our daughters deserve the entire dream: the icing and the cake. They should get the sparkling, white dress: white because of their innocence not because of their color preference. They should have the Godly, young groom ready to take care of his bride for the rest of her life smiling at the end of the aisle waiting for her to become his. They should experience the delight of the honeymoon experience sharing the beauty of first-time intimacy with a husband that has been equally committed to being pure before marriage. What is wrong with this picture? This is how God intended marriage to be. It seems almost foreign today...and is often mocked by this world.

I praise God that He forgives us when fail Him. I am thankful for His grace. I am overwhelmed that He can wash away our shame and mistakes and sin. I am also thankful that because I am saved...because He gave Himself in one horrible death...that I am changed. I can put on my spotless, white gown and be ready for my groom when He returns to take His spotless bride home. As a mom, having experienced this great salvation, I am even more committed to pass on this beautiful love story to my daughters and my son. I must fight the world's definition of beauty and happiness. I must help steer my children toward God's purpose for their lives: to live holy like our amazing Savior. His Word is clear. He is coming back for a spotless without or blemish. I want Him to be able to look into the mass of His sons and daughters...those that have accepted Him...and see them living pure, spotless lives for Him...excited and ready for their BIG day! Instead, I fear that He will have to really look hard to find his church mixed-in with all of the darkness of this world. Our call is to live different..not to live as close as possible to the world....but as close to Jesus as possible. Our call is to say NO to the movies that defame His name and His way of life. Our call is to dress ourselves in modesty and purity. Our call is to carry His glory. Imagine that.... carrying the glory of God through our lives and dress and conversations and hobbies.

In the Old Testament, often the temple of God became a place of sin. In the New Testament, it was one of Christ's ambitions to clean up the temple. In many foreign countries, there are traces of a former religion that can be seen in the beautiful, old buildings that were once Houses of God. Even in God's House today, where we are called to be a Temple of the Holy Spirit, there are only traces of whom God has called His people to be marred with the marks and fashions of this world.

Thinking about that white, sparkling wedding heart is so grieved. How can I represent Christ to my daughters in this atmosphere? How can I show them that God's call to holiness is not about atiquated rules and law! His call to holiness is about beauty, freedom, innocence, love, purpose and purity. God will look past an unholy church. That fact may seem scary and move some to action. For me, it is a matter of pleasing my Father. I understand His sacrifice and my responsibility to lead my children in lives of holiness. On their wedding day, I want each to experience God's promise of the beauty of the marriage covenant. I commit myself to setting an example for them. We have a great influence over our daughters and sons. My prayer is that we all can say, "follow me as I follow Christ." We can do it! Our children deserve all that God has planned for them! We belong to Him...His spotless bride.

Friday, February 13, 2009

We made it to Vicksburg, MS! Hip hip hooray!! We got a bit of a late start which I am sure comes to no surprise....we pulled up to our motel just after 11:00pm so it was only about an hour later than I had planned - not too bad!

The kids watched a few movies and I listened to the radio until I could find no more Christian stations and then I popped in my Matthew West CD. Awesome! This song stuck out to me tonight so I thought I'd put the lyrics here for you.

The Moment Of Truth

You got your hand on the door
And you're ready just to walk out
Well, the fight that you had filled your mind up with all this doubt
And you're losing your mind and losing your faith
And you can't remember why you fell in love in the first place

Go back, go back to the moment of truth
When she walked down the aisle
And you first said, "I do"
When this life makes you wonder what have you got to lose
Go back, go back to the moment of truth

You got your hand on a habit
And you can't seem to let it go
It used to be your escape now it's out of control
And now it's you in the mirror
But you don't recognize your face
And you're looking for a reason not to throw it all away

Just go back, go back
To the moment of truth
With three words, "it's a girl"
And she looks just like you
When this life makes you wonder what have you got to lose

Go back, just go back to the moment of truth
You got your hand on the Bible

But your heart feels like stone
Cause you think that you've made too many mistakes to come home
And you're losing your will
And you're losing your faith
And now you wonder if you even believed in the first place

Just go back to the moment of truth
When you first talked to Jesus
And He reached out for you
He's still reaching, He's still reaching out for you
So when this life makes you wonder what have you got to lose
Just go back, just go back
To the moment of truth

The last section really spoke to me tonight...I know I felt this way just recently. For me it wasn't the Bible that my hand was on, but even the simplicity of listening to Christian music was painful because I felt like I had just walked so far away that there was NO way Jesus would take me back and I was ashamed - I felt guilty listening to songs that praise His name. But you know what? He welcomed me back with open arms!! And I am praying and listening more now than ever before. I know He has great plans for me and I am excited about those plans!

We will be heading out in the morning for Texas! Yippee! The kids are so excited to see daddy :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


1 Corinthians 13:1-8a and 13

If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails....

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Getting ready!

Starting the "to do" checklist to get ready for the road trip! YIPPEE!

The laundry is almost done...the kids rooms are picked up but I still need to vacuum and shampoo a few spots..they like to sneak food in there and then grind it into the carpet. Yuck!

So I have to pack "Florida" clothes for the few days we will be in Texas and "Colorado" clothes for the impending snow that will be falling on us in the mountains. HOORAY!! I hope we can make snowmen! BUT I know how Colorado weather can be so we will make sure to bring enough stuff for warm weather too.

The kitchen still has a few crumbs on the floor and the kids dumped out craft stuff in the dining room tonight so I need to pick that up. The bathrooms are scrubbed and the front room needs a quick pick up and the vacuum. That leaves the laundry room, our bedroom and the office....ugh, the office. The room where all the random stuff ends up. I will EVENTUALLY organize this room. Seriously. That part of my brain has rarely ever been used and just needs a little dusting.

I don't know about you, but I dislike coming home to a messy house after being gone for a couple of weeks so I'd like to get a bit more picked up tonight and run the vacuum in the morning if possible.

I'd also like to have the majority of the van packed before I take Katie to school on Thursday. Our plan is to pick Katie up between 2:30 - 4:00 and then drive to Vicksburg, MS. That is about 6 hours and I checked the DVD players to make sure they work so I will just keep the VeggieTales rolling and we should be all set!

We also need to bake a few cookies so we can take some to daddy :) Nothing says I love you like sugar cookies (shaped like lips and hearts of course) drenched in sugar frosting with sprinkles! Yum yum!

Monday, February 09, 2009


Ya know...even when my kids decide to trash the house right after Katie comes home from school and test me time and time again the rest of the night, they still end up making me laugh.

I was trying to explain to Katie earlier that daddy's grandma and Auntie Jennie's grandma was the same person and that she was her great grandma. We went around and around with that one for quite some time. She just didn't quite get it ;) It just made me laugh!

I just put Katie to bed and our conversation goes like this:

Katie: Mama, you have holes on your face...
Me: Yeah, they're called pores.

HAHAHA! I love how brutally honest they are! I mean I know my pores are large enough to be used as luggage and my skin is shiny enough to see your reflection in, but only a child will point it out. How sweet ;)

We are counting down the days until our ROAD TRIP to see daddy!! :) And then off to CO for a couple of weeks to play in the snow! I hope there is enough to make a snowman!!

Friday, February 06, 2009

A Day

I kept Katie home from school again today...she was still coughing a bit and I just thought maybe we should keep her home. She is clearly not feeling too bad all she did was run around like a chicken with its head cut off. My kids exhaust me!

I did manage to work today, but will need to make up a few hours over the weekend to make up for the long lunch I had today :) More on that in a moment...

So the kids were up to their usual antics this morning while I was working. Kasey climbed up into the pantry again and knocked more stuff down and got into the plastic baggies. We buy the big boxes at Sam's so...yeah, there were a lot of baggies all over the kitchen floor. He also managed to get a box of Kix off the top shelf and spill that all over as well so my kitchen floor was crunchy for a while.

I tried to be a little proactive when I went in to take my shower...I locked the kids in my bedroom with me while I was in the shower and turned the TV on. I said "Do NOT get off of my bed and do not jump on my bed."

Surprisingly, they listened.....

But it didn't mean that they escaped some form of naughtiness. Apparently there was some fingernail polish somewhere within arm's reach of Kasey so he decided to paint Katie's nails and his own a bright pink. And he also got it in Katie's hair. Why do they do this? can find a loop hole anywhere.

So anyway...I got us all dressed and we ran over to a new acquaintance from church's house - Alicia. :)

It was fun! I learned a lot about her although you know it's hard for me to shutup when I start talking so she got an earful from me that's for sure. Girl, if you are reading this I just want you to know that it's ok to tell me to STOP TALKING. Haha!

The kids didn't eat much - they just wanted to play. So funny. So when we had to go Katie was just crying because she wanted to either stay with Aaliyah or have her over to our house. She was a wreck! But she did end up taking a nice nap as did Kasey!

The weather was awesome today and I had planned on cleaning out my van before our trip. After checking on a few work items, I went out to the van and cleaned it up a bit. I had been listening to my iPod while cleaning and when I went to start the van up to make sure I wasn't draining the battery, well, the battery was dead. Nice.

I let the kids ride their bikes for a bit while I secretly waited outside for a neighbor to come home to see if they could give me a jump. I guess people don't come home early on Fridays in my neighborhood...hahaha.

So I gave Alicia a call - she just lives right around the corner - and begged for her to come over and give it a try. Thankfully it didn't take much! I felt bad asking her to come over when I had just talked her ear off earlier in the day! So I just wanted to say thank you again!!! And I will not clean my car out while having my iPod plugged up into it again - especially while Brian is TDY. This is the second time my battery has ever died and both times while he was TDY.

We were a bit late for our pizza/movie night as a result of the dead battery, but we still managed to get some Hungry Howie's and Madagascar 2. :) Now the kids are fast asleep and I am right behind!!

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Sick day

So I have only taken like 2 sick days in the past...well, um, ever but I took one today so I could take care of the kids. Some folks like to say that it's not okay to take a sick day when you work from home because a lot of people work from home when they and/or their kids are sick...but it's hard to work when they are sick and needy. I did manage to respond to a few emails and such, but I really would have been quite worthless today had I tried to put in 8 hours.


They still got up at the crack of dawn which was fine. Cough. Cough. Sneeze. Gasp. Cough. Repeat.

Poor little things!!

So just because they are sick doesn't mean they are going to comply.

Incident #1:
Kasey decided to use my bottom drawer as a "step stool" to try to reach something on my dresser that wasn't his and he knew he shouldn't have. I don't even know what he was trying to get, but he totally broke the drawer. Sigh. Brian had just fixed it before he left for Texas. I am not sure what he can do this time to fix's just the little drawer slide thing that is bent, but when I went to Lowe's to find a replacement for Katie's bottom drawer (yes, this happens to all of the dressers) a few months ago and the smallest one I found was like 1/4" too long for the drawer and the drawers on my dresser I think are a bit shorter. I don't know...I am sure we can find a replacement, but sheesh! My poor workout clothes in that drawer... ;)

Incident #2:
Katie. Kasey. 1 bottle of pink nail polish. Need I say more?

Incident #3:
Kasey decided to stack up some Rubbermaid totes to reach the "pretty decorations" on the entertainment center in the front room. He broke the Precious Moments figurine that I had gotten for Brian - it was a little blonde Air Force boy. So...I am in search of a replacement for that.

Incident #4:
Crash! Bang! Boom! from in the kitchen...Kasey had climbed up the shelves in the pantry and knocked a bunch of stuff out...

Keep in mind that all of these incidents took place in about a 30 minute time house was a MESS this morning! But what I can't help but wonder is WHY did these things happen? Kasey does not do these things during the day when Katie is not here. I just think that for some reason my precious little princess is somehow putting ideas in his head...hmm....

I did not get around to making my chicken soup so hopefully I can get this done tomorrow. Typically, Friday nights are pizza/movie night, but I think we could have Chicken Noodle soup one Friday night, right? I think I am going to pick up Madagascar 2 to watch.

I had signed up for the new membership class at church that is on Saturday, but am afraid that I am going to have to take a raincheck and opt for the next one. I have a feeling that the kids will still be coughing and I don't want to bring them to the church to cough all over everyone. I am just not sure when the next class will be, but I will call the church in the morning to find out. I may take another sick day tomorrow because I don't think Katie will be crud free in the morning. Kasey and I were supposed to have lunch with a gal from church, but we might need a raincheck on that as well.

Oh well ;) Praying for strength and healing!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

It seems that Kasey just can't shake this cough/cold that he's had on and off for about 2-3 months now. It started just before Thanksgiving and even I was sick with it for 3 weeks! It's like he gets better and then picks up something else. He was sounding much better yesterday/this morning, but I had to pick him up from the nursery at church tonight because he was coughing. They had been in the gym running around so I think maybe he just needs to hang out with mama tomorrow and rest.

Katie also picked up this latest cough/cold starting on Sunday/Monday and I think I am going to keep her home from school tomorrow so she can rest. She started sounding like barking seal. Eek! I plan on making some homemade chicken noodle soup :) mmm.... If anyone reading this lives in Crestview and is in need of some yummy soup, let me know and I will make some extra!

So I am starting to feel the post nasal drip myself and might just try to take a partial sick day tomorrow to try to rest and fend it off. It just gets hard when Brian is not here to help out with some of the daily tasks and I am sure my manager will understand.

I pray for fast healing for all of us and for all of those who are sick! I know there is a lot of crud going around our area and that we are not the only house full of sickies.

I should probably note for those of you who don't know that Brian is TDY in Texas. He is out there for a short 4-week training (he left on Saturday) and the kids and I will be driving out there next weekend and will be meeting up with Brian's grandma, sister, the girls and one of Brianne's friends. Then we'll be heading up to Colorado for a couple of weeks before heading back home. It should be fun!! We are going to have a small birthday party for Kasey at Jennie's house which would not be complete without the nacho bar! MMmmmm...nacho bar :) And Denise is going to make a fabulous cake! I can't wait to see it! This girl makes some pretty awesome cakes! I should show off some of her creativity on here some time.

Monday, February 02, 2009

This is a great song! Please take the time to listen to the words!!

All Things New

I don't know how to start this blog might be a bit more serious than I usually post but I feel that I need to get this out there. (Please keep in mind that I am really not great at writing and I usually don't have the right words so I am asking God for guidance!)

I recently rededicated my life to Jesus Christ. I was saved in July of 2002 (Deb, I will have to share the story with you sometime!). And I worshipped with a lot of passion during the few months after this. I think it was easy because I was surrounded by fellow Christians and I wanted to go to church and praise Jesus. I was so eager to do so and felt the love of God all around me. If you don't remember, Brian was away in Texas at Tech School for the Air Force during this time and I was living in Colorado Springs completely surround by Brian's loving family. I was in love with Jesus during this time and I couldn't imagine ever walking away.

Brian got orders to Utah and we moved there the first week of October. I started separating myself from God and spent my time concentrating on everything else. I made every excuse in the book NOT to go to church. I have to admit that I was somewhat "afraid" of the Mormons out there. So I didn't go to church because Brian didn't want to go, or I wanted to sleep in, or I had dishes to wash or there was a fabulous sale somewhere....whatever. I made so many excuses!

But I felt God pulling at my heart...and I just wanted to go to church so bad!! But I just couldn't bring myself to go alone. And there again came more and more excuses.

While I was pregnant with Katie I was just too darn tired to do anything let alone praise Jesus. I sort of felt like "Ok, I am listening to Christian music most of the time and watching some of the church services on TV...isn't that enough?) I know now that I really should have been praying during this time especially realizing now how my life (and Katie's) was in some pretty serious danger towards the end of the pregnancy. But I turned to doctors and friends and family instead of God.

Brian left for Iraq Jan 2, 2005. Katie and I went out to Colorado Springs for the 4 months he was gone and I once again found myself eager to praise God. I was hungry to learn and absorb as much as I could. It was so easy for me to do so being surrounded by those who also were eager to do so. (Oh, and we had a really great time out there - I will never forget it!!!!)

It was great! Initially I felt a lot of guilt for having separated myself for so long, but He forgives!! It took me a while to come to terms with that, but I was so happy after I learned and accepted this. All I wanted to do was worship! But I didn't really know how to pray on my own and felt stupid asking for "pointers" so I kept this part to myself. I still hadn't learned yet that we need to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

I was baptized on April 2, 2005! What a wonderful day!! I proclaimed to the world (well those present during the baptism anyway) that I believe in Jesus Christ and that He is my Savior! There is no way to the Father, but through Him!!

And then Brian came back from Iraq...Katie and I went back to Utah and the cycle started again.

I separated myself once again.

Once again I walked away from God and ignored the plan He had for my life.

Fast forward a few years...

I found myself in a bad place recently - I really don't want to get into the details here on my blog and those of you who know will understand. Those of you who don't know...please don't ask. If I feel like talking about someday I will. Just know that it is all in the past and we are all moving forward. :-)

I looked for help in all the wrong places.

I had people praying for me, but I wasn't praying and seeking.

God placed people in my life to help give me the push I needed.

Finally I realized that I just needed God and I went to a church here in Crestview. AND IT WAS AMAZING!!! Absolutely amazing!! I never want to turn my back again! I am absolutely in love with the Lord and love all of these amazing people I have met during the past couple of months. I am taking a Bible Study course because for me, I get the big picture, but am hungry for all of the details. I want to know MORE!!!

I know I need Jesus in my life and just a few days ago He really put it on my heart that I need to help bring people to Jesus through music. I don't know the details, but I am taking small steps and asking for guidance each and every day. I cannot get enough!!!! I am seeking and praying and finding friendships and there are so many lovely and caring people in this community!

This is a big thank you first and foremost to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior!!! and to the people at The First Assembly of God church. I have already fallen in love with this place and want to do what I can to serve the Lord. Thanks to Diane for her wonderful teachings in Bible study and to Pastor Mark for your wonderful sermons that have really been speaking to Brian and I. Thank you to Christy for the wonderful Dream Life 2009 event! What a GREAT EVENING!!! Thank you to all the wonderful women for making me feel loved when you had no idea what it is that I needed. You truly are a great bunch of women and I feel SO blessed to be a part of this church.

I know I am feeling a lot of energy right now because this is sort of new and exciting all over again, but I want to continue this energy and grow as a Christian. Our God is an awesome God and I know He loves me!!

I don't know if this really counts as a testimony as there is a TON I have left out, but I really hope this has touched at least one person out there reading this.

There have been so many wonderful scriptures that I have read over the past couple of months but this one stands out right now: Luke 11:9 says "So I say to you: Keep asking, and it will be given you. Keep searching, and you will find. Keep knocking, and the door will be opened for you."

Well I certainly feel better putting this all out there. I know God has been tugging on my heart my entire life. And it wasn't until recently that it was absolutely evident. Normally I would be embarrassed putting this all out there, but I am a changed woman and I love the Lord! I just pray that this passion never dies and that I am this excited for the rest of my life!

Now...I am sure my posts going forward won't be this serious - I mean...we all know that if there is a serious bone in my body it has got to be the tiniest little bone you have ever seen! I just feel so much passion right now and wanted to let everyone know!

Have a blessed week!!!

Saturday, January 03, 2009

I can't believe it's 2009! AND that my vacation is almost over. Where did that past 2 weeks go?? Oh yeah....rocking out to Guitar Hero!!!

So I didn't make any new resolutions - what's the point? I am going to continue with my weight loss plans and try to post more blogs. I just get tied up with whatever I am doing and this gets put on the backburner. Not that I put anything very exciting out here or anything. This is mostly just a place to post updates of the family.

I read this article this morning:
2008 Military Times poll: Wary about Obama. Being married to an active duty service member and completely surrounded by them, I actually thought the number seemed low. Around here it's probably at least 9 out of 10 feeling wary. It kind of makes me laugh that there is an "Obama kiosk" inside the BX here. I have yet to see an actual customer at the kiosk - I feel kind of bad for the lady who sits there so proud of her candidate only to be given dirty looks by most of the folks who pass by. There are a lot of feelings of uneasiness around here....

Katie's skin is acting up again. It's been really bad since August. We get it cleared up, but as soon as we stop putting on the steroid creams she breaks out again, gets an infection, has to spend some time at the ER/doctor, get a new antibiotic, clears up again and then it starts all over. She has missed a lot of school. So now the goal is to get her to stop scratching. There is no cure for eczema, but we are going to have to start looking harder at what is causing the issue. We have been taking her to a psychologist (which of course thinks she is borderline ADHD and is considering drug therapy - we have to meet with a physician to determine whether or not that is necessary). The psychologist is supposed to be helping us with her stress. How can a 5 year old be so stressed out? She actually had knots in her back last week. I had to massage her.

Anyway...we need to find alternate things for her to do instead of scratching. This is no easy task since she's been scratching since she was born. The psychologist said she has a hard time "stopping" and needs to constantly be moving which is why she scratches. This is why he thinks drugs are necessary - her brain doesn't have the ability to control that part and in this sense she is more like a 2 or 3 year old. However, her intelligence is more comparable to that of a 7 or 8 year old. Her brain just needs to "catch up" in this area. We are also going to visit the dermatologist here on base on Jan 12 to see if there is any other form of medication/therapy we can use. Her poor skin is so scarred. It just makes me sad. We have eliminated one of her irritants by getting rid of the dogs. The actual eczema has improved some but the infections have been so much worse. We have to start seeing a new allergy doc here as well because her allergy doc retired and is now living in southern Florida. He was great and I hope we are able to find another doctor just as capable! Unfortunately, we don't have much of a choice in the matter. We are going to try the skin test for allergies since last time we were only able to do blood testing because her skin was so bad. Ugh. I can only hope this does not follow her into adulthood.

Brian has been painting the front room the last couple of days. We have a lot of wall in the front room. The paint color I picked out is much darker than we thought it would be...but it certainly looks better than the plain old white walls. Next up is the kitchen! Yippee! It is actually starting to look like a home! Yay! I think I am going to try to reupholster the couches...not that I remember how to sew, but it might be a good project for me. And it should be a bit cheaper than buying new couches. Our couches are in good shape it's just that when we had our cats back in Utah they scratched up the fabric and it just looks bad. I think I will start looking for some fabric to match the new paint colors :) If anyone has any pointers on reupholstering, please pass them along. Please let me know if I am crazy thinking I can do this....haha!
