Tuesday, January 30, 2007

funny pics

Here's Kasey with my friend Jeff while we were out in South Dakota for Christmas. Kasey has crazy hair after his bath!
Here's Katie in a really silly dress up outfit!

Man....it has been a while since my last blog! Lots going on!

Kasey has started taking his first steps! WOO! He will be running around with Katie in no time. Can't wait...

Katie has had a terrible eczema flare up - I was going to post pictures, but they are really disturbing. I really don't think anyone wants to see them. Poor thing! I have had her in to the doctor 3 times in the past few weeks. She just keeps getting worse and the doctors are telling me that we have not started aggressive therapy at this point. Umm...I don't know how other 3 year olds are (but I can assume they are much like Katie), but do you know how hard it is to have a 3 year old stand still up to 5 times a day so I can apply 4 different types of cream/ointment to her skin? And give her a double dose of the antihistamine medicine? Not to mention that one cream tends to burn because she has scratched her skin so raw...ugh! Frustrating. They would not do allergy testing since the results would probably be inconclusive. I think I might have figured out the trigger (and I really hope I am right!!!) Recently, Katie has decided that she doesn't want to sleep with the sheet or other blankets on her bed. She has been sleeping with her comforter as her only blanket. The comforter is made of polyester!! I read on several articles that polyester can be a trigger! AND she has been playing dress-up like 3 times a day for the past few weeks - those are also made with polyester. So we are taking these items away temporarily to see if that might be what caused the flare up. The doc said that even if we remove the trigger, it might take up to 2 weeks for the symptoms to fade. I am really hoping this clears up soon. She is having trouble sleeping because she can't stop scratching! Poor thing!

Kasey is going to be one VERY soon!! Brian's grandmother is coming out to visit for the big day! It should be fun. We are trying to plan some fun things while she is here. Katie wants to go to the beach, go figure. She is ready to look for sea shells again! It will be great to go this year because Kasey will be able to walk around with us instead of sitting in his little car seat only waking to nurse. Have you ever tried to nurse a baby at the beach? Not an easy task I tell you. It will be nice to just bring some snacks this year.

Hope everyone is well! I will try to post more regularly!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

dog food

Kasey has been cruising pretty fast lately on his hands and knees. I was in the kitchen getting some cereal and I heard Kasey scampering about - you see, he always makes some sort of noise when he is on the go. Anyway, I heard him playing with Dash's food and went to check it out. Kasey had a few pieces in his mouth - mmmm, yummy. So I go to get it out and he clenches his jaw down so tight. That makes me really mad. AND he has a handful of dog food that he is waving in my face, like "Mama, look what I got! Do you want some?" Good thing I caught him when I did. He had a couple of pieces slightly chewed up but I was able to get them all out of his mouth without him eating them. Gross.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful new year! The kids and I are still a bit sick. I think I am just about over this virus and Katie is too. I took Kasey to the doc the other day because he was actually getting worse. Turns out he has bronchiolitis. Not much we can do, but keep him hydrated and happy! That hasn't been difficult. He's a happy little thing!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Day 1!

I rolled out the exercise mat this morning and did some Pilates. Woo! I think I chose the wrong option on the DVD though because I was doing this for 45 minutes and then looked at the clock and was like "dang! it's 7:30 already! I really need to get in the shower..." so I fast forwarded through the rest of the section and there was over 30 minutes left on the DVD - I thought the whole section I was doing was going to take approximately 30 minutes. I will be more careful in which option I choose next time so that I have time to do the whole thing! It's a start though!

I dropped Katie off at "school" this morning and she was little miss cuddle buns. She did NOT want to be there today which is strange because she LOVES going over there. Every day it's "Do I get to go to Rachel's today?" So when I was driving away she was standing at the door crying. Poor little thing! I am sure that once she gets playing she will forget about her mama and have a great time.

Friday, January 05, 2007

A few weeks ago we decided that we needed to start losing some necessary weight. We thought it best to wait until after the holidays...what with the large consumption of food and finding healthy food while traveling is rough. And then we got back here and I started thinking...why waste the food we have here? Let's eat all this "bad" food and get it out of here so we can start eating better...what am I thinking?? It's going to be a never ending string of excuses to NOT start. Ugh! So I think that I am going to have to rid our house of the few items left that are not suitable for a healthy diet...sigh. I love CHOCOLATE!! I think I will use it to bake things for Brian's office or something so it doesn't actually go to waste. I hate wasting food!!

We bought an exercise mat the other day (our floor is NOT what you might call ideal for pilates, yoga, etc.). I need to finish with the excuses and just start!! I know that once I start it will be easy to continue, but it's starting that is tough. I had gestational diabetes while pregnant with Kasey (and most likely with Katie, but was not tested) and according to my doc I now have a 60% higher chance of becoming diabetic. The nutrionist I met with said that if I can get my diet in order that the number will drop significantly. Plus, I have high blood pressure and I hate taking medicine so if I can get my diet in order for that too, I can be medicine free!

Think good thoughts! I think we are going to start our new healthy living style VERY soon!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

bloody nose

So I have been sick for a week now and I think it is almost done. I had 3 bloody noses yesterday. What's that all about? Strange. It's not dry in here, in fact it is super humid. Makes no sense. Sadly, some blood dripped on my new shirt from Brian. BUT with the help of Tide to Go, it came out like magic. Woo!

The kids have been sick since Christmas day and are still coughing and having runny noses. This makes for a very rough night of sleep. I am exhausted! Calgon, take me away!

Okay, enough complaining from my end. Have a great day!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

good deals

We decided to make a quick trip to Wal-Mart today to get a few small things...you know how it goes though. You go in to buy gum and you come out with about 50 things that you didn't need. Anyway, we grabbed the stuff on our list, looked for some ideas for Kasey's birthday and headed over to the 75% off holiday items area. We really didn't need much of anything in that department, but decided to check it out. I am happy to say that we did exercise much restraint as we ended up only buying about 8 rolls of wrapping paper (Care Bears, Strawberry Shortcake, Dora, etc..) for $0.74 each. Woo! I love a good deal! We will be all set for next year! Yes, I am a total dork because I get excited about $0.74 wrapping paper! I also got a ton of gift tags for $0.49. Woo!
