Wednesday, June 28, 2006

  • Kasey crying (this is probably what woke me up). I can't blame him for waking up at this hour...he last ate just before 7pm....just before going to bed
  • Brian was a really strange snore this morning
  • Katie in bed sucking her thumb
  • the air conditioner - whoooooooosh
  • the water in the fish tank spilling over the filter
  • random bugs and creatures outside. There has been this FROG outside that has been making so much noise the past few nights! Ugh! It woke me up on Sunday night and kept me up for almost 2 hours...I think I am learning how to tune it out. It sounds like a duck...seriously - really annoying!
  • my belly gurgling because I am hungry
  • the battery on my work cell phone is dying so the phone is BEEPING repeatedly and rather than take the time to walk downstairs to turn it off I just let it keep's got to stop soon, right? The way this house is built, anything that makes noise downstairs echoes through the whole house, but like I's got to stop soon, right? Besides, now I have to go to the bathroom...
  • Tuesday, June 27, 2006

    Yay! We have a fence! Thanks to our PCSing neighbors, we now have a fence - they gave it to us for free - that is the BEST price!!! Brian spent the entire day outside on Sunday putting up the fence. Sunday was VERY hot. He had Dash outside with him most of the day so he was pretty pooped and slept almost all day yesterday. Dash is so small that he can squeeze under the gates...we'll have to do something about that. He likes to go outside the gates and hang out just on the other side of the fence. What a goober!

    Kasey is 4 months old now - can't believe it!! He can officially roll over from back to tummy. He demonstrated this quite nicely on our bed on Saturday - he was reaching for the big Gap bag I had placed on the bed - major sales going on at Gap and Old Navy in case you were interested! I got lots of GREAT deals!!! Anyway, Kasey apparently liked the Gap bag and was trying to grab it and so he rolled over trying to get it. Very cute...

    Thursday, June 22, 2006


    It's hot outside. That's all I have to say about that.

    Happy Anniversary to Chris and Mindy!!! 4 years of wedded bliss today! :) Let me know how Owen is doing with the tubes...

    I got an email the other day saying that my 10 year high school reunion is 10 days away...well, now it is only 8 days away. I will not be attending. A 24 hour drive with 2 very small children in blistering heat...not my idea of a great time. It would be nice to see some of my old classmates...

    Katie and I went on a walk last night...I pushed her in a stroller that she is really too big for. It was hot. I sweat like a hog! It felt like a really long walk, but turned out to be just over 2 miles...2 miles! It felt like at least 10. Bugs were out like crazy - naturally. Thank goodness for bug spray! But since I don't know how safe bug spray is for a nursing mama, I went with the long sleeve and pants to avoid bug bites. Worked great! But it was so darn hot! Welcome to Florida, eh?

    Our anniversary is coming up! 6 years! We have decided on buying new bikes this year - strange anniversary gift, but it should be fun. I think Brian is going with an orange one and I am going with a pinkish/purple sparkly Schwinn! We are also going to be getting one of those trailer things for the kids so they can enjoy a family bike ride. And of course if we ride on base, bike helmets are mandatory. I hope I can find a cute one to match my bike! hehe...

    Thursday, June 15, 2006


    So Katie's two (or tuna half as my dad says) and sometimes she doesn't speak clearly. Here are a few of my favorite things she says along with their translations...

    smay rose = cinnamon rolls
    shungebob pairspants = SpongeBob SquarePants
    batch-er-a-shus = bad gracious (we think she says this because we say goodness gracious a lot)
    chicka yiddow = Chicken Little

    Here are some common sayings that escape her mouth...

    "Hi! I'm two and a half!"
    "Oh, Dash!"
    "I'm pooooooopy!"
    "5 minutes!!"
    "Hup 2, 3 ,5, 4..." she says she gets this from Brooke :)
    "I got sneezers, mama."

    Kasey doesn't say a whole lot just yet, but he sure likes to drool! I can't wait to hear all the funny things that he will say when he gets to be "tuna half".

    Tuesday, June 13, 2006

    Wow...many of you have called/emailed/IMd me asking if we are in the middle of a hurricane. We are going to get lucky and miss this one! :) We have had some rain, but I don't really know if we are getting a bit of the tropical storm or if it is another storm blowing through here. Either way, I welcome the rain as it makes it easier for most of my flowers to survive. I tried to get quite a few that were "drought resistant", but there are several that have died due to the heat. Oh, well...lessons for next year I guess.

    We purchased an exersaucer type toy for Kasey and he absolutely loves it! He just twirls himself around and around and plays with all the toys. I do believe he has broken each one in with mounds of drool. He has gotten quite talkative over the past week or so and it has been so fun listening to him. He makes me laugh!

    Katie is just about as funny as ever! She has developed quite a skill of imitating people and pretty much anything that makes noise. She does a great impression of the dog and can also imitate Kasey quite well. hehe

    I talked with my friend Jess yesterday! I haven't talked with her for quite some time. She is one busy lady! Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers as she is struggling to find a job. It is always nice to hear from old friends! I was thinking about how long I have known her and realized that we have been friends for 17 years! That is amazing! I don't feel like I am old enough to have known someone for that long...

    Tuesday, June 06, 2006

    Some of my favorite things...

    Yogurt - my newest favorite is Yoplait® Light Apple Turnover
    Strawberries with Splenda®
    Peanut Butter

    Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper

    Office Space
    The Sweetest Thing
    13 Going on 30

    TV Shows:
    That 70s Show
    Everwood (which aired the series finale last night...ugh!)
    Gilmore Girls

    Scents at Bath & Body Works®:
    Cherry Blossom - new favorite
    Jasmine Vanilla
    Sweet Pea
    Sun-Ripened Raspberry

    Christian music artists:
    Chris Tomlin
    Steven Curtis Chapman
    Josh Bates
    Third Day
    Casting Crowns
    many, many others

    Hey...let's try something new. Post some of your favorite things in the comment section. I think it will be fun! :)

    Thursday, June 01, 2006

    I went to bed last night just after 11:00. Kasey woke me up for the morning just after 5:00 and I brought him to bed with me to try to get him to go back to sleep for a little bit. Brian had gotten up to take a shower and get ready for work. He went downstairs to iron his uniform and he came back upstairs and said, "Sarah, can you please come downstairs with me for a minute? I have something to show you." I was I started to get out of bed and he said, "Put some shoes on." So I thought - oh no! There's water all over the floor or something. So I get downstairs and Brian leads me to the kitchen where I see one of the strangest things I have ever seen. The glass on our oven door had completely exploded all over the kitchen floor!?! When did that happen? How did that happen? Why didn't I hear it? I have no it looks like I will be getting a new oven today. I just thought that was really strange. Thankfully, I was able to clean up the mess before Katie walked in there and stepped on the glass!

    There was a Promotion Ceremony yesterday for those advancing in rank here on base. Brian was promoted to Staff Sergeant yesterday and Katie got all excited when Brian was up on stage. She said, "There's my daddy! Hi, Daddy!" It was cute. I wasn't able to get a good picture because the lighting was terrible in the theater where it was held. Brian is officially a Staff Sergeant now :) Yeah!!

    Last thought for today - today is the official start of hurricane season. Think good thoughts for those of us who may be in the path of one some day...
