Monday, November 26, 2007

What a great day! I was born on this day in 1977. For those of you who aren't quick at math that means I am 30 today! :-)

In less exciting news on this day in 1977...

According to
Wikipedia, 1977 - Vrillon, representative of the 'Ashtar Galactic Command', takes over Britain's Southern Television for five minutes at 5:12 PM.

hit songs...

I didn't really find anything else very interesting, but then again didn't have a ton of time to search.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

OK, so I was in the shower today and the kids were upstairs playing. I get out of the shower to find that Katie had changed Kasey's clothes so that they could be "matchy matchy".

Aww....cute! They like being "matchy matchy".

And "matchy matchy" they were...

Katie dressed him in one of her Ariel mermaid dresses and she had another one on. My two little mermaids.

Too funny! I didn't take a picture, but I assure you this will not be the last time this happens and next time I will be sure to snap a photo. I just know he will love that when he's 18!

Friday, November 16, 2007

That's what I told Katie today. Only 5 more sleeps until we get to go see daddy!

I can't believe he's been gone for almost 2 months already. Time seems to just fly by when you are busy with the kiddos!

We are heading over to South Carolina to visit Brian for Thanksgiving. It should be a good time. One of the guys in Brian's office has invited us over to his house for Thanksgiving. I am told he has kids so Katie and Kasey will be all set! They are not shy at all and seem to get along with just about everyone.

I know we plan on doing some shopping on Black Friday, but other than that I am hoping to just relax on that day...although I don't know how relaxing it will be in a motel room with Brian and the kids. Maybe I should just get my own room....hahaha ;)

We also plan on taking the kids to Chuck E Cheese while we are out there. It's been a while since Katie's been to one and Kasey has never been. Nothing like greasy pizza, loud games and tons of screaming kids! Actually, we usually end up having a pretty good time. I kick butt at skee ball!! WOO! Brian's pretty good at racking up the tickets so Katie can pick out some fun stuff.

Not sure what else we have planned while we are out there, but I am hoping to get a little bit of extra rest. We'll be heading back on Sunday and hopefully we won't get back too late. I am hoping the kids let me sleep in on Monday...we'll see about that.

We are planning on putting up the Christmas decorations this weekend (at least the tree) since we will be gone next weekend. Katie is excited to put the tree up and Kasey will probably want to rip everything down and play with it. It should be interesting....

Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Just for fun

These 3 like to hang out on the window sill and watch the lizards and butterflies.

Deer caught in headlights? Do you think she likes pink?

Gotta love 'em! :-)
