Friday, April 13, 2007

It was a gorgeous day today so I decided to take a quick break and let the kids play outside with the sprinkler running. Kasey had a blast and Katie was a little against getting wet. She wanted to swim in her pool. Here are some pics!

The Air Show is this weekend and the Thunderbirds have been practicing for the past few days. The 4 of them were in formation and flew right above our house several times today. The kids thought they were cool :) I don't know if we are going to go the air show or not, but I am sure that we will be able to see a lot from our house. We'll see...

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Kid TV yesterday morning I had Higglytown Heroes on for the kids to watch while getting ready to take Katie to pre-school. This is an animated show. There is a squirrel that talks. Far fetched, but the kids seem to like it. Anyway...the "Higglytown Hero" today was a babysitter. A babysitter with pink hair. Let me rephrase that...a babysitter that had pink hair and very obvious blonde roots. Why did I even notice that? I just thought it was weird...

Did I mention?

I have been so wrapped up with learning my new job and Katie's skin issues that I haven't even MENTIONED that Kasey is walking!! Yep! I guess he decided about 2 weeks ago that it was time. He is walking everywhere! He wasn't sure about walking in sandals the first time, but he go the hang of it. It's so funny to see such a little person walking. CUTE!!

Katie's skin..

Oh, it looks GREAT!! She is no longer constantly itching and scratching and bleeding! For the first time in her life, she actually slept through the entire night on Friday. I really must mark that on a calendar! She didn't wake up because she was itchy or had a bad dream or anything! She didn't wet the bed either even though she didn't wake up to go potty during the middle of the night. It was amazing! She still has a few spots mostly on her ankles and feet, but I must say that her skin is greatly improved. Yay!
