Friday, August 25, 2006

New post! the floater story has been out there way too's time for an update.

Kasey is 6 months old now and is getting bigger and blonder every day. He weighs about 18 pounds now - can you believe it? Wow! He is sitting up really well and thinks he wants to crawl. But...he just can't quite grasp the concept yet. He grunts and then moves like 2 inches at a time. He sticks his little butt up in the air and moves like an inch worm. Hehe!

He enjoys eating oatmeal cereal (not a fan of the rice cereal at all!), green beans and just can't get enough carrots! He loves to make a mess and get food everywhere! Dash will soon learn that his chair is the one to sit under, not Katie's!

Katie started day care on Monday and absolutely loves it. She has been doing crafts and bringing them home. They are so cute! I know that soon our house will be overrun with crafts and other random projects. I am going to have to invest in some quality keepsake boxes...

It has been easier for me in the mornings to get work done with the quiet in the house. Dash doesn't quite know what to do without Katie. He runs around looking for her and whining for about 30 minutes then camps out in his bed until she gets home. Kasey has been napping quite nicely while she is gone and I have been able to enjoy listening to music while I work versus the child proramming on Noggin. Which actually doesn't bother me too much anyway...I am still a kid at heart and don't know if I will ever officially grow up! (I think I inherited that from my dad...)

It has been raining almost daily again, but we didn't have any power outages this week. Phew! Katie tends to get scared when the power goes out. It's a good thing it usually comes back on within a few minutes.

I have some pictures I will probably add tomorrow - some of the kids, my newest niece, the dog, my new hairdo. Yes, I chopped it off again. I just needed to do it! Brian doesn't like to pose for pictures. I am going to have to try to think of creative ways to get some pictures...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Tonight was Katie's bath night. She played for a while and it was just about time to wash her. She told me she was going to tooter. I was expecting bubbles...

...and then there it was.

A floater.

She had pooped in the bathtub.


I had to laugh. It was the first time she had done it and it freaked her out. Poor little thing...


I was pleasantly surprised yesterday when the fedex guy knocked on my door. He delivered a box of flowers to me. I had no idea who flowers would be from. It turned out they were from some of my coworkers - my Team Leads to be exact. They were fighting for me to be Employee of the Month, but I guess I lost out to someone else, and they wanted to send me some flowers to show their appreciation of my hard work. That was nice! They sent a dozen roses - they are a peachy/orange color. They are a light red around the bottoms of the petals and fade into orange toward the top. They are very pretty and have gotten so huge. What a nice surprise!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

I haven't had much to blog about lately..

Work has been keeping me pretty busy. It seems that when one fire gets put out, 2 or 3 more pop up. Oh, well...keeps me honest!

We met with a day care provider on Friday to start Katie in part time day care. She is just too bored with me here and needs some kids to play with. She loves to learn and I can't spend the time I need to during the day to help her. Not to mention that she needs some "germ exposure". She is almost 3 and has only been sick a handful of times. I think she needs to catch some stuff now so that she doesn't miss out on half of Kindergarden catching everything then. Not that I want her to bring everything home to Kasey, so we'll see...

Not much else for now...I will try to hae somethig new this week! If not, have a great week!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

various images

I was looking through some of the images I have saved on this computer today and thought I would share some of them with you!

This is the first picture that was taken of Kasey when he was born. Look at those chubby cheeks!

Here is my grandma with my nephew Owen. I think my dad sent this to me. This is a great picture!

Katie thought she needed to hang out in a Rubbermaid tote at Jennie's house. Haha!

Friday, August 04, 2006


I am taking Katie in for a haircut tomorrow (she is definitely due for a trim) and I am thinking about chopping my hair off again. It's gotten to the point once again where it gets put in a pony tail day in and day out. So, I guess it's time for the old chop, chop again. Funny we got an Old Navy ad in the mail yesterday and this is what got me thinking about cutting my hair off. There was this woman in the ad with the cutest hair style and I thought to myself that that would look fabulous on me. Haha! So we shall see...

Update - I decided against the haircut for the time being. I am looking into donating my hair to
Locks of Love so I will need to grow it out a couple more inches to meet the minimum length.

It has been raining a lot this week! We need the rain! Everything is green and beautiful! This morning the thunder was super loud. I kept hearing car alarms going off. Hehe. I was very surprised it didn't wake the kids up.

Dash is not a big fan of wet grass...or even better, the rain. I think he thinks he is going to melt if he gets wet. So I had a lot of fun standing out there with him this morning to make sure he went potty. Come ON! It's just rain, you little runt!

I've done 17 loads of laundry since is that possible?? There are 2 adults and 2 very small children in this house. I just don't get it... Thank goodness for the big jugs of laundry detergent and fabric softener from Sam's!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

It's a Girl!

Brian's sister called us this morning a little after 6:00 to share the good news! They have a healthy little baby girl born this morning at 3:30. She is 6 pounds, 6 ounces and has little blonde curly hair. YAY! I don't have any more information now, but will be sure to share when I know more.

I have learned that she is 19 inches long and her name is Elizabeth Joelle. :) CONGRATS Brian & Jennie!!
