Sunday, November 30, 2008


The kids slept in today!! WOO HOO!! I am so glad to have been able to get an extra hour and a half to two hours of sleep, but it kind of jacked up our day. On Sunday mornings I always make filled pancakes. Depending on the type of filling I put in it usually takes about an hour or so from start to finish so when we get up between 6:00 - 6:30 breakfast is ready to go usually before 8:00 (I have to make my coffee first and wake up a bit...I do have priorities).

So today we woke up at 8:30 - YES I SAID 8:30!!!!! Holy cow. Then we all hung out in our bed for a few minutes before actually rolling out of bed...the kids always come in and snuggle for a while before we actually get up. Hey, if I can manage a few more minutes of sleep this way, I will take it!

We ended up having breakfast at that totally jacks up the rest of the day's schedule. Forget church today. Sunday school starts at 10:00....and I am not even showered yet. But...I made some darn good filled pancakes this morning. I used
this recipe from Williams Sonoma this morning - YUMMY!! I did not use their pancake recipe because let's face it...I am not a domestic diva...I have to use the mix....

I am totally on a sugar high and I know that I will crash soon, but these were really good. I love my ebelskiver pan!! Brian bought it for my birthday last year and ever since I started using, I use it at least once a week. There are so many different flavors and fillings you can try. I totally recommend the product! I think there is a new fancier version, but it rocks! A little piece of advice if you do go out and buy it is to use a non stick spray such as Pam (I use the generic brand) because it makes it so much easier. I didn't have any spray this morning and had to use butter - it was a bit of a challenge. They still tasted good, but the didn't look as pretty as when I use the spray.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

There's something wonderful about living in a small town. I took Katie to High School Musical 3 last night. It was to be a surprise for her and sort of a " had a rough time at the doctor getting your MRI" treat. She was super excited!!!

We walked into the theater that was showing HSM3 and was empty. We were the only ones there. So that was pretty cool! Since I had bought the soundtrack a few weeks ago and we listen to it ALL THE TIME, we knew all the words :) Katie was up dancing and singing through most of it which would have been a major annoyance had there been anyone else in there. So hooray for small town movie theaters!!

Ok, so Katie's MRI on Friday...mmm....yeah....first of all we parked so far away from the entrance to the MRI office that we ended up almost 15 minutes late from all the walking and we were there at 6:50 (we needed to be there at 7:00). The hospital in Pensacola is LARGE. So then we fill out paper work and talk to 3 different people who ask the same questions and tell us the same thing (do these health professionals communicate to eath other at all??!!) . The anesthesiologist was the last to come in and off he went with Katie and sent me to the waiting room. "It should be about 30 - 40 minutes".

An hour and a half later I hear her screaming.

I am in the waiting room alone and the door to go back to where she is can only open with a key. Perfect. So I wait...and then I start knocking on the door. A nurse comes out to let me in after a few minutes so I get back there and ask why she is screaming (well, there was blood spurting out of her hand, but more on that in a moment.) The anesthesiologist tells me "they usually wake up the same way they went down." Ha ha. So I guess she didn't want to go down without a fight! Why am I not surprised?

So she is in there screaming and totally out of it...she ripped the IV out of her hand and blood was everywhere. She was shaking so bad because she was freezing and after I got her calmed down they offered her an apple juice which she chugged down and shook even harder. They gave up on trying to get her blood pressure and offered a grape popsicle for beating the anesthesiologist at a guessing game. Ha!

She turned purple...she was just freezing...they finally brought in a blanket and gave us a few minutes to warm her up and then sent us on our way. The poor thing was just wobbly because she was still a little out of it and frozen. So I picked her up and carried her back through the hospital towards the parking garage 600 miles away... ;)

We stopped at Starbucks to pick up a hot chocolate :) Mmmmm....yummmy!! I got so many funny I would actually let my 5 year old drink coffee. Silly people. She had chocolate dripping off her chin.

We should get the results back this week sometime...

Sunday, November 09, 2008


Pronunciation: \'sməg\
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): smug·ger; smug·gest
Etymology: probably modification of Low German smuck neat, from Middle Low German, from smucken to dress; akin to Old English smoc smock
Date: 1551

1 : trim or smart in dress :
2 : scrupulously clean, neat, or correct :
3 : highly self-satisfied

— smug·ly adverb
— smug·ness noun

Haha...the description for #3 is probably best suited to describe the smugness around our house this weekend. Kasey had gotten a toy out of the "treasure chest" at the fall festival we went to on Halloween. It was this sort of puzzle thing. It's like a cube that breaks apart and you have to fit the pieces together just so. I couldn't figure it out after trying for much longer than I had planned.

Brian grabs all the piece from me and puts it together in just a few minutes. Hmmph! He said. Hahaha...he was feeling pretty smug about it so we've been throwing the word smug around all weekend. Too funny. Guess you really need to be here to really feel it.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

There was an ad in the mailbox today and they advertised a turkey fryer at a decent price. So we went out and bought one. Mmmm....

Last year when Brian was TDY in South Carolina, his friend had us over to their house for Thanksgiving and he had fried a turkey and it was delicious! So we are going to try it ourselves this year. Since it is still fairly warm this time of year, it will definitely cut down on the heat on the inside of the house. yay!

Not much new going on in our world. Katie is scheduled for an MRI of her knee next Friday. They are going to have to sedate her. they suggested I park in valet parking because she will probably still be knocked out or at least groggy when we leave and I won't want to carry out a sleeping 5 year old out to our vehicle. (Which I still can't believe she's 5!!) We have to drive to Pensacola for the appt so we might try to do a little shopping afterwards if she is coherent. The appt is at 8am, but we have to be there at 7am so we'll have to leave here no later than 6am. Ouch. It's hard enough getting Katie out the door at 7:45am during the week. AND she won't be able to eat or drink anything until after it's over. This could get ugly.
