Sunday, November 08, 2009

wiped out

Wow...the weekend is over and I feel like I did next to nothing!

We had a young couple from our church over for a late dinner on Friday night.  It was a lot of fun!  It was kind of nice to hang out with people who didn't have kids...I know that sounds bad, but when you get too many kids around it just gets too loud.  Our kids went to bed shortly after our friends came over so it ended up being a really quiet evening and we just had a good time.

The kids had been sick earlier in the week and I started to feel it Thursday.  Just the drippy nose/earache.  Took some tylenol and it helped for the most part.  I was super congested when I woke up on Saturday so I took just over 1/2 tsp of children's bendaryl and it knocked me out for 3 hours!  Then I had to get up and get ready for the Veteran's Day parade, which we totally didn't get to on time and we ran to Beall's and Walmart to pick up some black pants for Katie and cookies for our cheer party. 

The team we cheer for won the last 2 games of the season so it was a great way to end it!  We had a nice party last night with all of the girls and parents.  Since I was assistant coach I got a cute picture with a matte signed by all the girls in a big frame.  It was so cute!  :) 

Since I had slept most of the day away, I ended up staying up late to fold laundry and swap out a few loads and got up early for church today.  I was excited to wear my new sweater!  We usually have to wear black, but today was brown and some fall color.  I got this super cute cranberry sweater to with my brown pants and I had straightened my hair this morning and wore it down for BOTH services!  Usually my hair is up in a pony tail before 1st service starts.  ha! 

After church, I fed the family and then took another 3 hour nap!  I am just wiped out!  The kids napped too so Brian was able to get some down time.  I've got to finish up a bit more laundry then I am off to bed again.  I am excited that our weeknight schedule is going to slow down for a while!  Maybe I will have time to do some of the things around the house I had wanted to painting the kitchen, hanging up pictures, curtains, etc....

Have a blessed joy-filled week!

Thursday, November 05, 2009

WEIRD night!  I had run to Walmart to pick up a few things tonight before dinner.  I came home, we ate dinner and then all 4 of us were of to our various activities.  Kasey was going with Brian and Katie with me.  So we were walking out to the vehicles and there was this NOTE on my first I thought "oh, honey....when did you sneak out here and put a note on my van?  that is so cute!!"  but then I read the note.  It goes like this:

you are so beautiful!
Could I please get to know you?
My email is xxxxxxxx
Could we at least talk?

Eww eww ewww!!!  FREAKY!  CREEPED OUT!  Ewwwwwwww!

Ok, so many thoughts rolling through my head.  First thought was eww.  SO NOT FLATTERED!   Totally creeped out.

So....I have NO idea who this man is...where he saw me...but it totally scares me that he was on my property and put this note on my van while all of us were in the house!  I was home for less than an hour between getting home from Walmart and leaving.  YIKES!!!!

We went to our football game to cheer and the cheer coach's husband is a sheriff.   She suggested to me that I have her husband send him a nice little email from the Sheriff's office.  Nice!  He agreed!  YAY!  So Brian said he'd email him and the sheriff will too. 

That calms me...a bit.  But!!!  I work from home - this man knows where I live!!!!!!  I am home ALL DAY with Kasey.  I just pray that he doesn't come over here tomorrow...there is usually a cop that hangs out right across the street from our house and I hope that he or she is there tomorrow!!! 

So one of my super cute friends (okay, cute isn't even close...she is gorgeous!) says to me "Don't you hate it when that happens?"  hahhaa....I was like, honey, this doesn't happen to short little chubby mama's!  At least not in my world but at least we got a laugh out of it.

I am just praying tonight over this situation.  Praying for peace for myself and just praying for whoever put that note on my van.  Praying that God will protect me and steer that man away from my property!  Praying that I can sleep tonight and concentrate on work tomorrow.  Praying for some friends to come over throughout the day to keep me company....  :) 

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

So blessed

I am just so incredibly blessed!  Thank you LORD for this day and for all that you have given me. 

The kids were home sick yesterday - we ended up taking the kids to the doctor because Katie was complaining of an earache...and she had a cough and runny nose, bright red lips (an excuse to buy yummy chapstick!) and a low grade fever.  The doc said she has an ear infection so we left with some antibiotics (he tried to give us augmentin, but I refused....the kids both hate it and I didn't want to have to fight with them to take their meds) and her fever was gone so she went to school today.  HOORAY!  It was early release day so she was home by 12:45 and asleep by 1:05.  She didn't get up until almost 4 - you know she isn't feeling good!  We had dinner, she showered and now she is in bed.  Aahhh....

Kasey woke up fine yesterday, but by the time we left to go to Katie's appt he had a high fever and was about as lethargic as I have ever seen him.  And he kept complaining of a headache.  The doc gave him some antibiotics (he suspected strep) and sent us on our way.  Kasey only ate a banana and a few apple slices yesterday.  Usually that's what he eats between his morning snacks!  yes, snackS is plural...the boy eats a lot in the morning!  This morning when I woke up he was in our bed (so was Katie...we love to snuggle in the wee hours) and I asked how he was feeling.  He said he was ok, but he just wanted some water.  So he had some water.  Then started whining at me....poor little thing.  I asked if he heart anywhere else other than his head and he said no and then threw up all over Brian's side of the bed.  But it was just the water he had and what looked like I kept a close eye on him ALL DAY!  He went straight into the tub and the sheets and pillow went straight into the washer.  By the time he was out of the tub, he was acting completely normal.  It was weird.  He had some breakfast and snacks...and lunch and snacks and had 3 pieces of pizza at dinner and some dessert.  Oh and he took almost a 3 hour nap too! 

I just love how resilient kids are!  I mean...he was NOT himself at all yesterday and as soon as he purged whatever germ was in his system out, he was totally fine. 

I decided against taking the kids to church tonight...they definitely need their rest and if they are still carrying any germs around on them, there is no sense in passing it on to anyone else.  They were so bummed!  So we decided to sing some church songs.  They are so cute.  They were so mad they were screaming and crying at me when I said they had to stay home with me.  I love that they love church!!! 

I must go do my devotional for the day and finish up a book I am reading.  I am trying to get back into this everyday, but I know how hectic life gets.  I will try to post once in a while anyway. 

Take care and God bless!

Tuesday, November 03, 2009


I have been hearing the word confidence a lot lately. A lot of people that I spend time with and that I work with tell me that I appear to be so full of confidence. If you know me well, you know that I am my own worst critic and that I say I am "ok" at best and definitely not full of confidence. I am always striving to be better at whatever it is I am doing.

About a month ago I stood up and spoke in front of several ladies at church to just give a quick testimony of my experience at our recent Women's conference. Honestly, there were only 6 or 7 ladies there and I was so nervous! I got up there and the first thing I said was that I hate the spotlight, hate speaking in front of people....if I turn red just ignore it...etc... They laughed and all told me I seemed like a natural up there. Ha!

Part of the testimony I gave from that conference was that as I was in the sanctuary worshiping, I just felt this WHOOOOSH come over me and I felt as if I had total confidence in my musical abilities. It was overwhelming! It was like I just let go of all the negative comments in my head and my constant self put downs - it was amazing! I finally felt like I could take the step towards the life that God has called me to - bringing people to the Lord through music. I know I will have to take baby steps to get there, but I am so excited and so blessed and can't wait to serve in this manner! I also had a vision during the conference, but I won't share that here just yet. :-)

Also, during the conference I was given the opportunity to play my sax again. Oh, how I have missed playing!! The amazing thing was that I only had about 9 days from when I received the sax (had to get a rental - I played soprano sax and I only have an alto here) until I was to play at the conference. Yikes! I hadn't played the soprano sax since high school in the mid-90's. But I tell you what...I opened that case, got my reed wet and started to play as if I had never stopped. It was amazing. God has blessed me so much!!

Today, I just thank God for everything He has given me. There is much to be thankful for...and when I think about God sending His son Jesus to die on the cross for MY sins...I can't help but to become emotional. It is written in Isaiah 53:5:
"But He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed. "

By His stripes we are healed!!
Have a blessed day!
