Tuesday, August 19, 2008

We didn't have any good ones with the whole outfit. She has a cute skort on with knee high socks and mary jane shoes (with flower buckles of course). But she is getting to be a big girl!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Day 3

OK...so it was day 3 of Pre-K.

We had to have a conference.

She has been disruptive, argumentative and aggressive.

Might I point out that today she woke up at about 5:45am...didn't nap at school and was so hysterical after dinner that it seemed she fell asleep mid-scream. Today was not a good day. but she did eat a good lunch and was not sent to time out! So it could have been worse!

I pray that tomorrow is better.

The teachers at the school are wonderful and helpful and very open and honest. They really want us to all work as a team.

Tomorrow is a new day and we are going to have a great day!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


This does not feel good when accidentally flung into here:

I'm just sayin'.....

Monday, August 11, 2008


While it was technically her first day of Pre-K, we didn't take pictures. The school year officially starts next Monday and her uniform shirts will be here tomorrow. So we will take pictures next Monday :) YAY!

She did good today...apparently I sent her with some "contraband". I wasn't supposed to send her with a backpack. Ok. Check. And...chocolate is a no-no. Ok, so I put a chocolate pudding cup in her lunch. It was fat free. They only accept sugar-free...and only at snack time. Strange. Sending her with vanilla pudding tomorrow...we shall see....

Kasey was an absolute mess today. He was freaking out! Just screaming like we had abandoned Katie in the middle of a scary forest in the middle of the night with no flashlight...or something. We had to head down to base to hit the commissary so we stopped at Starbucks on the way and grabbed a latte and a muffin. Well, I grabbed Kasey an organic chocolate milk...no lattes for him just yet!

We stopped by to say hi to Brian and brought him some yogurt for a late breakfast. Kasey cheered up when we saw daddy and was no longer in despair over Katie.

It sure was quiet around here today. I got a lot done at work! WOO! I actually got my inbox down to less than 100 messages! That hasn't happened in months (unless you count the .pst files I created). Yay.

So....we had our quarterly org call today. And I did end up winning an award! Yay me! My manager went on and on about a project that I had worked on and I just know that I was beat red. It's a good thing this wasn't in a room with a bunch of people!! My manager's manager's manager (I have 8 different bosses - Peter Gibbons, Office Space) complimented me on my willingness to do what it takes and go above and beyond. Nice! It's just a foot in the door that's all...one toe at a time (Motormouth Maybelle - Hairspray).

So that was nice :) And he used the 1st picture in the last post. I got a few compliments on that one. hehe. People are funny.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


I had to submit some new photos to my manager today so I took these. I am shiny!! I suspect that I am up for an award because that seems to be the only time he asks for photos. We shall see...

Monday, August 04, 2008


It's Monday. I thought of that lady in Office Space this morning "looks like someone has a case of the Mondays"...if anyone would have said that to me this morning I might have started screaming. I was not in a good mood. Not sure why.

It could have been that Katie snuck into our bed at some point in the middle of the night and hogged the bed. How can a 4-year old hog a king size bed? I'm telling you...it's very possible.

So we've started on Katie's school schedule. Yay! Got up...had a little something to eat. Hopped on the elliptical (okay, so for someone reason I noticed that it kicks my butt even more first thing in the morning than in the middle of the day). Got Kasey dressed and ready to go. Got Katie dressed and ready to go. Got the kids some breakfast. Hopped in the shower....Kasey came in while I was in there and did his "nay-nay" dance. Yep, he got naked and was running around the house. How much fun it must be to be 2.

He left me a surprise on the floor in the front room.

But hey....I look at it this way. He's just trying to tell me he's ready for the potty, right? Umm...yeah...I certainly hope so!

After my shower, I got the kids all hopped up on the Disney Channel. A little Handy Manny, some Little Einsteins...started some laundry, made some coffee, had some breakfast, picked up the front room, cleared out the dishwasher and reloaded...and I still managed to log on to work an hour early. Sheesh. Worked my butt off today...tomorrow is full of meetings. I don't get nearly as much work done during meetings. I actually have to get involved in meetings these days...it used to be me sitting here on mute listening to people drone on and on...I hardly ever had to say anything. And now...I have to talk. Blah. You can tell how the call is going to go by how they say "Hi, Sarah" or "hey, Sarah"...or if they just say "hey". Not too bad today - I had some good news to share with several accounts so I will call it a success!

I was able to get both kids down for a nap after lunch today - Katie is going to have nap time at PreK so I thought I had better get her used to it. They woke up happy and hungry. Hooray for snack time!!

It's 9:30 now. I got the kids to bed about an hour ago and got the laundry folded. I need to go to bed soon since I am on the new schedule. It's too early. My body is not ready. I will have to do some reading before sleepy time. Maybe hop in the bath. One can never shave often enough in the summer time - especially with as dark of hair as I have with my pasty white legs.
