Thursday, March 19, 2009
There are literally no words to describe the feelings and emotions that came about this afternoon. Brian and I are in absolute awe of the greatness of God....
We've been attending this church for a few months now and God has really been putting a lot of things on our hearts and it has been amazing! Wonderful! Awesome!
Brian quickly learned that our pastor was a hunter so he had started talking to him about hunting and found out he bow-hunted and well...they became instant buddies. Brian's been wanting a new bow for a while now and we were at the point of choosing which one to buy. The pastor invited him a week ago or so to come up with him to this store in Jay to check out some bows with another gentleman from the church.
So on Sunday - BIG NEWS - Brian got saved! HOORAY!!! What an awesome! I am really cutting some good stuff, but it's late and I do need to get to bed so you'll have to suffer through the short version :)
We've really been spending a lot of time in prayer and have been meeting some really great people and have become involved in the church and serving the LORD! It's been so great! I just feel like I can't get enough and want to do whatever I can to serve. It's really been laid on my heart to get back into music...and so I joined the choir, but I feel like this is just the beginning...oh wait, this isn't about me today, this is about Brian...back to the good stuff :)
So we realized we could spend about *this much* on the bow. I fully expected him to come home with a new bow and was excited for him to get home and show me what he got!
He came home with a new bow.
A reallllly nice bow.
And so he says to me something along the lines of the following....I tried a few out and picked one. It's about the same price as the one I had picked out at this other store but it is soooo much nicer. I had them set it aside for me and went outside to try to call you (I had left my cell phone at home when I went to pick Katie up from school) to talk to you about buying the bow, if it was ok to buy it, etc....and when I went back inside to go pay for it I asked the lady at the register how much I owed her and she said "nothing! it's already been paid for".
Can you believe that?!!!
I was like "wait, what?!" paid for? who paid for it? huh? what? **ok, so just imagine mass confusion"
He said "God laid it on this man's heart to purchase this bow for me."
I mean I don't even know how to describe the feelings/emotions that came over both of us. Absolutely amazing. God is good!
I had to head over to choir rehearsal quickly after Brian had gotten home and I just really enjoy being a part of it all! It's so great to get back in there and sing sing sing!! I have been an alto for about as long as I can remember. I remember that Mr. Gemar tried to put me in with the sopranos my first year in high school but umm...I just felt better as an alto. The music pastor wanted to place me so I had to sing for him tonight...I just had this feeling that he was going to put me as a soprano. I knew it. And sure enough - hahaha - he told me that he wants me to be a soprano. I can't wait though! I am so excited!!!
1 Comment:
- soldierdeb said...
10:24 PMWOW...