Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Let The World Come to You

Let The World Come to You

This was a tagline used on a business tool that I use on a frequent basis.  I hadn't really noticed it until today.

It is absolutely applicable to the type of product it is...but I couldn't help but think if this is what we, as Christians, are using in our local churches as an unspoken tagline.  

Let The World Come to You

The Bible tells us in Matthew 28:19 "Go therefore and make disciples of  all nations..."

The Bible says GO.

That's an action.  It doesn't say "sit and wait for people to come learn about Me" OR "if you build it they will come!"  Churches have existed for a long time, yet we still have empty chairs...

The Bible gives us a directive.  GO.


I know I don't do a very good job of sharing my faith with others because I work out of my home office and the people I interact with are all from my church!!  I have no friends outside of my church and this needs to change!  I can talk to anyone so that isn't a problem, but why do I have such a hard time saying "hey, God loves you!"  or "Can I PRAY for you?" 

I think because it opens up a door to a more in depth conversation that I feel like I am not prepared to have.  I am not a theologian.  I did not go to seminary.  All I have is what God has done for me.

Wait, what?!  ALL I have is what God has done for me??!!  This is HUGE! 

I believe that God still works miracles.  He heals.  He cares.  And I know He restores! 

You don't have to be a pastor or missionary or elder to share the Gospel.  Just share your heart.  Depend on the Holy Spirit to give you the right words for the person/people you are speaking with.

Easier said than done.  I know.

I am going to challenge myself in the coming weeks/months to talk to people in my community that I do not know and pray for an opportunity to share the Gospel!  I do not have to use big fancy words...I just need to share God's heart.   He loves us.  Oh, how He loves us!!

I am going to REACH OUT!  :)

Can I challenge you to do the same?  Pray for people to have open hearts, pray for opportunities, pray for divine appointments and then invite people to your church.  Don't assume that just because people are seeking that they will come.  Sometimes a simple invitation or just praying with someone can open a door that might change their entire life.  Share what God has done for you!  You never know who's life you may impact! 


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