Friday, September 26, 2008


I haven't posted anything in a while...sheesh, you'd think I was busy or something ;)

Katie is doing much better in school which has been fantastic!!! Her teachers/principal have all told me how much she has changed since that first week. It's amazing! She still doesn't like to listen to us at home all the time, but we're working on it!

Katie's skin had a major eczema flare up. We went back to the allergy doc who basically told us we needed to get rid of our dogs and cat for Katie's allergies. OK, we can do that. We haven't found anyone to take them yet so I think we are going to take them to the no-kill animal shelter here on base tomorrow.

We got that outbreak under control and then she broke out again and we ended up in the ER yesterday for several hours. Another skin infection. The sad thing is that this time I packed us each a lunch and some books and other things to do to pass the time. You just never know how long your ER stay is going to be.

The doctors/nurses always laugh at me when I tell them that in order to get blood from her it will take at least 4 adults to hold her down. Oh, how they doubt me. There were 4 males, myself and 2 female nurses that ended up having to hold her down to get blood and start an IV. She was just screaming and yelling and it was ugly.

So the reason we went to the ER is because the skin infection is at her knee which is making it difficult for her to walk. They worry about the infection spreading into the joint or bone itself so we had to head over to the orthopedic doc this morning after our initial follow up with the pediatrician.

They think they saw something on her x-ray.


It's not associated to the current issue.

So he showed me the x-ray from last May of her left knee and then the x-ray of her right knee from last night. There was some erosion on her right knee which could be a number of things. He suspects it's either just the fact that she is 4 and still growing or maybe rheumatoid arthritis.

HUH?! She's only FOUR!

I don't think that's the issue personally as she has never really had problems with her joints in the past. But we go in for an MRI after her infection clears up just to make sure.


Kasey learns new words everyday and continues to keep everyone laughing. He has finally started his terrible two's....which umm...he's almost 3 so he got a late start to that. We don't think Katie is quite out of her terrible two's. :)

I plan on taking Katie to the $2 movie theater here in town tomorrow. Kung Fu Panda is showing. She will be so excited!!

I've hit a plateau with weight loss. I was stuck at 25 pounds for the longest time and now it seems I am stuck at 41....I hope this passes quickly! Although 41 pounds??!! Can you believe it? I think that's a great start, but I have some to go.

Katie's birthday is less than a month away!! I think we have all the presents bought so now I just need to wrap! I haven't decided if I am going to make the cake this year or just buy a fancy one. It's so much cheaper to just make one....but she wants an Ariel cake. We shall see.

That's about it. I will try to get better at this again. Work has been keeping me pretty have FIRE ANTS! Ugh. They invaded our house a couple of weeks ago and Kasey got pretty stung up. I got a few stings myself. MAN, those are painful. Poor Kasey had them all over his body. Fire ants are hard to get rid of. And they are everywhere!
