Sunday, September 24, 2006


Something I noticed...

We have been running across a lot of Vince Vaughn movies recently and have noticed that in every single one, he uses the word phenomenal. Pay attention the next time you watch a movie with Vince Vaughn in it - he'll probably say it!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

We have encountered numerous creatures during the past week...

Sunday - I woke up super early on Sunday to get some work done and took a peek outside just after the sun rose. There was a rather large coyote just hanging out right outside our fence. Maybe it was waiting for me to let Dash out looked a bit hungry.

Monday - I woke up, got showered, dressed and got Kasey ready for the day. We went downstairs and when we hit about the third step from the bottom, I saw a big old nasty cockroach. Eeeeeeeeek! I thought...ok, I will let Dash out of his crate and let him go to town on it. So I put Kasey down in his exersaucer and let Dash out. He didn't want any part of it. Ok. What do I have here that I can throw at it or on it? Hmmm....oooh! A new pack of Katie's pullups. WHAM! Nope - missed. Hmm...oooh! There is one of Brian's big old boots - WHAM! Nope - missed again. (see a trend here?) OK, one more boot...WHAM! Nope - missed again. Now it's under the hutch. Great. Like I am going to try to get it out from under there. Ha!

Katie wakes up about this time and so I go up there and get her ready for day care. We come downstairs and I warn her of the roach. She doesn't want any part of it either so she opts to eat her breakfast in the front room. Fine by me!

Ok, Katie is at day care...keeping my eye out for the cockroach. It's gotta come out eventually, right? Tick tock, tick tock...THERE IT IS!! OK, time to kill the dang thing! Alright, let's see...ooh! Another pair of shoes, let's try those again. This time I stand on the couch so I can try to hit it from above. (Ha!) Shoe #1....WHAM! Close, but no cigar! Shoe #2 - WHAM! Woo hoo!! It's not dead, but it is severly injured. Ok, what else? Hmmm...oooh! A big notebook. OK, Ready....Aim....DROP! YAY!!!!! Perfect drop. OK...that does it for me. Unless I see it crawling around again, I am going to wait for Brian to come home and dispose of it. I did the hard part, right?

Tuesday - We have had this tree frog hanging out on our window almost every night. He is back. Tonight he has a visitor! A praying mantis - cool....

Wednesday - After I pick Katie up from day care, we are getting home and Katie says "Mama, there's a huge cockroach on the door!!" No, there wasn't. Phew! It was just one of the BILLIONS of lizards that hang out around our biggie. I will just spray it off the door with the hose. I know it sounds mean, but would you want to touch it? No, thank you!

Thursday - The praying mantis is back!
Not the best picture. I took it from inside the house through the window, but you get a pretty good idea. Sad thing is that it died later on that evening. Not sure how or why. Maybe it was a female that just laid some eggs...

Friday - We saw a couple of Blue Jays outside. Those were pretty cool. And of course the billions of lizards and other random bugs. There are a TON of

love bugs that are EVERYWHERE! From what I understand, they only come a couple of times a year for a few weeks.

Saturday - There is a baby lizard hanging out on the outside of the kitchen window. They are so cute when they are that little...

Katie's impression of my standard photo pose...

mmmmmmmmmmm............sweet potatoes anyone?

Katie got some new toothpaste today. (Aquafresh for kids Bubble Gum flavor) We were tucking her into bed tonight and I told Brian that she had used her new toothpaste. So he asked to smell her breath (he's too trusting) so she exhaled her hot breath so he could smell it. She proceeded to tell him "It smells stripey!"


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Today is my mom's birthday! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!! We will call you a little later as Katie really wants to tell you happy birthday. ;) Have a great day!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Kasey cut his second tooth during the night! Wow!

Monday, September 11, 2006


Kasey has officially cut his first tooth! We noticed it below the gums last week and have been keeping an eye on it and it broke through the gums sometime in the middle of the night. Wow! His first tooth cut so much faster than Katie's did. It seemed like it took months for her first tooth to cut. She was 9 months old when she cut her first tooth. Needless to say, he was a bit moody today as I am sure he was in pain. But he still smiled 95% of the time he was awake. :) I'll try to get a picture of it, but it may be a few weeks before he lets me. Hehe...

The Answer!

Well, it seems that either no one wanted to post a guess or my parents are the only ones who read my blog!! Hehe...

Well, BDM, you are absolutely correct! You nailed it. We can always tell when Katie has eaten enough food when she strips down and runs up and down the hall screaming. You get a cookie... Thanks for playing!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

How can you tell if Katie has eaten a good dinner?

A. She politely says "I'm done. Please, may I be excused?"
B. She says "I want some dessert!"
C. She pushes her plate away and just leaves the table.
D. She runs down the hall, takes off her clothes and then proceeds to run up and down the hallway screaming.

Post your guess in the comments area. The correct answer will be posted tomorrow (Monday) evening.

The lucky winner(s) will receive nothing :)


Katie has a new friend, Joey. He is not real. It's her first imaginary friend. I don't remember if I ever had an imaginary friend...

I found out about him yesterday and forgot to tell Brian about it so I let Katie tell him all about it. Their conversation went a little like this...

You have a friend named Joey?
Uh huh!

What does Joey look like?
A bunny. He has big ears!!

What color is Joey?
Silver. (pronounced like swiwver)

Where is Joey?
Over there. (pointing behind the couch)

Is Joey a boy or a girl?
A boy.

Katie likes to carry him around with her and she gets mad when he gets to her room before she does. She says "Joeeeeey! You are naughty! That's my room!" Hahaha...

Kasey stats

I forgot to post Kasey's 6 month stats.

He weighed in at 17lbs, 12oz and 26 3/4 inches. He is finally in the 50th percentile for both height and weight. He is a little butter bean :)

He was also diagnosed with eczema. His isn't nearly as extreme as Katie's and maybe we can get ahead of it this time around. I do have to say that Katie's skin has gotten much better since being here in Florida.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

I suck!!!

Ok...I have been too busy lately and have not had time to update this as much as possible. I will try to be better at posting, even if it is a 1-liner or something.

Things that have been going on during the past few weeks...

We took the bed rail off of Katie's bed because we think she is finally able to sleep in her bed without falling out. It has been just over 3 weeks and she has not fallen off yet - phew! She woke up in the middle of the night and her feet were hanging over the side, but she hadn't fallen off yet. Woo hoo!

The day after I chopped all my hair off, Katie thought it would be fun to attempt her own haircut. So, she found some scissors upstairs while she was supposed to be taking a nap and snipped it off! We ran to the mall for an emergency haircut and it is super cute. I will post some pics soon!

I was upstairs nursing Kasey early Thursday afternoon and I started to smell gasoline...I started walking down the stairs and noticed that the back door was open. Not good. The smell was getting stronger and stronger. Katie was outside pouring gasoline out of the gas can for the lawn mower - nice!!!!!!!!!! So, I got her inside and bathed her real quick, called Brian to come assess the situation and we all left the house for a while to let the smell wear off. Well, it was still bad when we got back home so I had the Pine Sol out went to town scrubbing down any surface Katie may have touched. I sprayed off the patio out back in the areas that Katie said she poured the gas and got the smell under control. Man, I guess we need to keep her on a leash!! We are definitely not scoring any "Parents of the Year" points this year...

Katie has been using terrible table manners at day care - doesn't use a fork and puts her feet on the table. Oh, and of course the whole yelling when she is told to do something she doesn't want to do. It's lovely. So we have been working with her on those items pretty heavily the past few days and she is starting to oblige. Phew! I think part of the problem is the size of the toddler size forks - they are either too big, too small, or just plain shaped weird and won't stab the food. If you know of a good place to buy toddler size forks, please let me know!

Have a great weekend!!!!

Saturday, September 02, 2006


Well, we had to make a Sam's run today. It's getting to be that time of year for colds to strike and Katie has caught her first cold of the season. She used about a box and a half of kleenex yesterday so we needed to run to Sam's to load up. We like to buy the 8 pack of the big boxes...doesn't really last that long around here as there are a lot of stuffy noses.

So while at Sam's I decided I might as well stock up on a few other things. Diapers. What can I say...I have bought many diapers in my days and today I saw a deal I couldn't pass up. Normally, I like to buy the Pamper's Baby Dry box of 160. Today...I actually purchased a Huggies box of 200 for the same price. TWO HUNDRED! That is a lot of diapers! Great deal. Brian was like - are you sure you need that many? Ummm....yes. Kasey likes to poop and I'd prefer that he did it in a diaper versus some random spot on the carpet or in his exersaucer or whatever. 200. Wow. He will probably be out of that size by the time we finish. Hehe.

We didn't do a whole lot of other things today...I scrubbed the kitchen down. Yippee. Talked to mom and dad because Katie wanted to call. She is such a munchkin! I had received the CUTEST message on my answering machine today from my niece Brooke. She said she needed to "discuss" a few things with me...haha! She really cracks me up.

Have a great Labor Day weekend!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 01, 2006


OK...some photos!

My new hairdo - yes, I admit I look a little like I've had one too many cups of coffee, but let's face it...I make this face a lot and one day my eyes might just actually pop out of my head! Oh, and I took the picture myself...guess I won't be trying that again.

Dash is getting big...just look at him compared to that shovel!

Kasey was laughing pretty good for this picture!

Katie was enjoying some fun in the heat! Running throug the sprinkler is such fun!
